Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Woes of Other People

I don't know what's more amazing... the fact that people act like complete idiots, or the fact that when they do, they blame it on someone else.

My daughter has a girl in her class she was friends with. This girl would call constantly to speak to my daughter. She would call, get the answering machine and then call back without leaving a message. She would call up to 10 times a day until I told her to stop doing that. I never went to her mother about it. Then, she started taking money from other kids to be their friends. Let me say that again. The other kids would pay her to be their friends! My daughter doesn't believe in that, one thing I'm proud to say I've taught her. If someone wants money to be your friend, they aren't worth the time of day, let alone the air they waste.

So, my daughter loaned this girl a book. Now, see, my daughter has an excellent memory. If we lose something in the house, if she doesn't know where it is, it's lost. She knows where the most obscure things are. If she says this girl has the book, she has it. My daughter left a message on the girl's answering machine, asking for her book back now. Granted, "now" may not have been the more appropriate word to use, but she's 9. The girl's mother called me and began telling me about how it was a family answering machine and her daughter was at church. I told her, if she wants to talk about kids, let's talk about her daughter. She immediately began yelling at me about how dare I mention her daughter when she was calling about mine. So, I sat in silence while she proceeded to harp on my daughter leaving ONE message. When she finally let me speak, I told her about how her daughter would call so much, and called my girl stupid, and would start arguments. She didn't want to hear that. She hung up on me. SEVERAL TIMES!

So, I called her again from my cell and told her we were on the way to get the book. She met me at the door, after I left two messages telling her to just put the book outside. Her daughter lied (remember my daughter's memory?) and said she didn't have the book.

Let me side track... the book is a signed book from the author. I paid for an entire series and had them signed by the author with my daughter's name put in each one. So, either her daughter lied or she destroyed the book to keep me from having it.

Back to the story... I try to explain to the woman how she can't ask me to listen to her complaints without listening to mine. She began flinging her arms in my face, yelling at me, calling me bitch, telling me to kiss her ass, said I was a white bitch. I responded in kind and suddenly, I was the racist. She said it FIRST! I was finally able to get off her property (she wouldn't let me move) and she then blocks my path to my van. So I point out to her, I'm not on her propery, pointed out the property line and she continues to fling her arms in my face and call me all sorts of words.

Then she gets her husband outside. When he tries to talk to me, she steps between us and tells me "he ain't talking to you bitch". I'm like, excuse me, but he was. She wouldn't let me talk to him. But he kept asking me questions and she wouldn't let me get to my van! Finally, her husband says to me, just leave, and literally had to pick her up and carry her away from me because she followed me to the car door!

I swear, she wouldn't let me leave. I almost called 9-1-1, and I cried about it for an hour afterward because she scared me so much.

Lunatics shouldn't breed.


Lela said...

Holy shit! And people think I'm nuts. :P

talc said...

I'll take your level of nuts any day over what I had in my face that day.