Thursday, July 13, 2006

Out of Town

Hubby is out of town again. Second time this week. I don't like it when he's gone, especially when I can't sleep in the same room. Hate the snoring, love the company.

Dog is whining still. Now she is suffering from more severe emotional distress than normal. She's always had anxiety. Now it's worse.

I have no desire to play CoH while he's gone. I don't have much of a desire to do anything. I haven't touched a pen for writing and can't even do the simple thing of reviewing an outline.

Basically, this week sucks.


Lela said...

*lots of sympathy and hugs* If you do manage to get in game, let me know, darlin. We can drag you on our stuff if we're around.

talc said...

We'll be on tonight. Terry came home Tuesday night and I kept him from the game on Wednesday, as we had rented three movies and we needed to watch them.