Monday, October 30, 2006

Vegoose - October 2006, Halloween Weekend

Vegoose is Las Vegas' version of Woodstock.

Drugs? Oh yeah. I walked by some chick asking another couple if they had drugs. There was even a woman who had taken drugs Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m., had no recollection of what happened between 2 and 6 p.m., then around 8 she comes looking for someone to help her. And, there was a group of about six people smoking pot behind the stand I was working in.

Smoking? Yes.

Alcohol? What concert doesn't have alcohol?

Three stages, music from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Audio overload. It was funny to see people younger than me try to act like they're hippies. Who knew dreadlocks were part of the hippy wardrobe? I certainly don't remember seeing any dreadlocks in the pictures my parents have, or any of the other pictures I've seen about the Flower Age.

Missed Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Miss The Killers. Got to hear Phil and Trey, good music, not sure who they were. And I was inundated with the sounds of Widespread Panic for three hours.

Besides some personal issues and being on my feet most of the day and allergies wrecking havoc on me, it was a good day. Very cool to see.

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