Friday, October 06, 2006

To Continue What Mike Started

There never seems to be enough time to say it as many times as people deserve to hear it.

Friends -
I love you, Lela, Mike, Steve, Vinnie, Mark, J.D., Kelly who lives so far away and though our lives always seem to keep us from talking enough, Rob who deserves it even when he irritates the hell out of me.

Family -
I love you, Paul, Crystal, Jack, Diane, Dad, Junebug and Mom, even if we haven't spoken but three times in the past three years.

Loved Ones -
I love you, Micaela, beautiful girl that you are, joy that you bring me, stress you create.
I love you, Derek, handsome boy, maturing every day into a handsome man. God, I wish you would turn in your homework.
I love you, Sweetie, Bubba, the man who has stood by me through everything, who makes me feel better even in the worst of situations, who accepts me for my faults and praises the good.


Steve said...

Love you guys too. Usually pretty guarded about these things, but you guys are spechal. :)

Lela said...

I love you too, darlin. *hugs ya*