Saturday, September 30, 2006

My Time, My Dime

Lately, I've been spending my time in World of Warcraft. I love the bubbly, cartoonish look the characters and landscape have. I like how the quests are so much easier to find than any of the quests available in EverQuest ever were. And I like how there is no drama of any kind there. Tuesdays are a lot of fun. Mark joins Terry and I, and the three of us run the land as Taurens. This is my first Horde character and I think it's hysterical my character actually moos, cause... she's a cow. Terry and I usually play our Night Elves. He has a rogue and I have a hunter. Or we play our paladin and mage. The mage is a lot of fun, even at a low level.

I play CoH now when I plan things with Lela, Steve or Mike. Sometimes I want to log on, cause I haven't played with any of them for awhile, but things happen. Like tonight, Terry and I spent a lot of time with the kids. We taught them how to play a card game Terry and I have enjoyed ever since we married. Derek was reluctant at first, but after the first game, he really got into it. We had a lot of fun.

And I didn't miss CoH or WoW.

Basically, the point of this is, for those of you who think I'm avoiding CoH because of you or something that was said, or boards being opened up for the world to see... Well, sorry to disappoint. I just don't care. I play with who I want, when we have something planned and I'm not working or spending time with my family or playing tabletop.

Star Chasers is fun. Honestly I'd like see how my Warshade will progress. Blood Nights are hysterical. Shayanna cracks me up with her lust for blood. I'm surprised I haven't macroed something to say "Runs her hands through the blood and then over her face." Probably wouldn't surprise anyone if I did. Mavericks are fun. Sweet Revenge so needs to find something to distract her from shopping for clothes that irritate her brother. And getting Solitaire closer to 50 gives me a satisfaction only a few understand.

Yep, having fun doing what I want.


Lela said...


Mark Means said...

Hey, don't ever think you have to explain yourself for enjoying real life :)

As they used to say when I was a kid *ahem*..."Keep on truckin'."

I can totally relate to how you feel! And, yeah, Tuesdays are loads of fun... :D