Friday, September 29, 2006

Winchester Mystery House

The room where Mrs. Winchester died. Outside the window, there is a crescent moon shaped hedge, with the tip pointing at the window. There are those who believe it has some supernatural meaning, with the tip pointing to the room. It's just coincidence, right?
One of the unfinished rooms on the ??? floor of the house. We walked up and down so many stairs, it was hard to tell where we were. This room was in the front of the house, which was closed off and not worked on again after the earthquake of 1906.
The front of the house. The house was painted in the 70's, thus the horrible yellow color. Currently, though the state of California has it registered in the state historic locations, it is privately owned and has been for quite awhile. Even if you ask the employees who signs their checks, the only answer they can give you is "Winchester Mystery House". I would love to own this house. The history behind it, being able to walk through it whenever I wanted, not to mention the money it brings in during October and on Friday, the 13th.
One of the two basements in the house. This one had the coal chute and when it was unlocked, there was coal still covering the floor. This basement is considered the most haunted of the two basements. With all the fireplaces (47), Mrs. Winchester had grates built into the floors of each one, which the servants would use to send the ashes from each fireplace down a chute into this basement. Instead of 47 fireplaces to clean and carry the ash from the house, the servants would only have to clean 7 chutes, which was supposed to be easier.

There are so many amazing facts about this house, so much history and information. Mrs. Winchester had the modern of all conveniences, including elevators. For further information, you can visit the official website,, or do a Google/Yahoo/MSN search, whichever you prefer to find out more.

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