Saturday, July 14, 2007

PDO Meeting (Pre-Drywall Orientation)

Friday, I met with the supervisor for the construction of our house. He took me through the house and explained where all the plugs, light switches, fans, connections, outside brick wall, sprinkler system, everything is in the house, or will be once it's all put in.

The house has been pre-wired for an alarm system, something we didn't pay for. We probably won't get the security pads, but at least the wiring is there if we should ever decide to put it in. We had a plug in the kitchen moved so we can do a dog door for the dogs so they can go straight into the backyard and into their dog run.

So, what does all this mean? It means that as of yesterday, July 13, we have 45 days before we have the keys in hand and are able to move in. I had thought it meant we would have 45 days before our final walk-through, then we would have a few days after that to complete the paperwork and get the funding. Nope! In 45 days we will be proud owners of our new house. Well, today actually makes 44 days.

The house news was the best thing that happened yesterday. Yesterday was the worst Friday the 13th I've ever had. And I hope I never have another like it.

Can't wait to own a house again. I hate having to pay someone as much money as we do on a monthly basis and have absolutely nothing to show for it. Hated it when we lived in an apartment, hate it now, especially since I know the benefits of owning our own house. Just 44 more days!!


Lela said...

I'm so excited for you, darlin! *hugs tight*

I'm sorry to hear you had a bad Friday though. Give me a call later if you need to talk.

talc said...

Sorry, hun. Had to get ready for camp with Micaela. Will talk to you this week.