Monday, January 08, 2007

Please Let This Be An Isolated Incident

Day 7 of the new year brings the family a $1300 bill to fix Terry's truck. The damn thing started having problems before Christmas, but he was able to work around it, thinking the injectors just needed cleaning. So he bought the fluid, put it in and nothing much happened. Then it started dying everytime he was sitting at a light. The RPM was sitting between 500 and 600.

So we take it in, have the place look at it, and they give us a bill of $1300 to totally fix it. $300+ for a 'major tuneup', $300 for the O2 sensor and carb thingy, and $700 for something else, I don't remember.

Terry wants to pay the full $600, to at least get the vehicle moving again and I have to play the bad guy and tell him no. I agree to the O2 sensor and carb thingy, so the vehicle moves again and we still have to do the tuneup.

Just when things start to pick up (settlement for Terry's accident from 2005, Feb 10 will be another bonus day), we get hit. What the hell!

And for those of you saying "karma", well kiss off. Our family does plenty of good things for Karma: Donate to Goodwill, Safe Nest (shelter for abused women and children), Opportunity Village (place for disabled people to do things), gave back an extra Guitar Hero II game the guys gave us for free. You don't know me, or us, as well as you think you do.

Sorry, wrong kind of rant. The truck sucks. That's what I meant to say. I don't like the truck. I wish he had bought the other one instead of this one. There.

1 comment:

Lela said...

*tight hugs* It's going around, darlin. Give me a call some time, and I'll fill you in.